The PageCTA component provides a flexible way to display a call to action in your pages with an illustration in the default slot.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
Use it inside a PageSection component or directly in your page:
<UPageHero />
<UPageCTA class="rounded-none" />
<UPageSection />
<UPageSection :ui="{ container: 'px-0' }">
<UPageCTA class="rounded-none sm:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*3)]" />
<UPageSection />
and rounded-none
classes to make the CTA fill the edge of the page on mobile.Title
Use the title
prop to set the title of the CTA.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
<UPageCTA title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community" />
Use the description
prop to set the description of the CTA.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
Use the links
prop to display a list of Button under the description.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
<script setup lang="ts">
const links = ref([
label: 'Get started',
color: 'neutral'
label: 'Learn more',
color: 'neutral',
variant: 'subtle',
trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-arrow-right'
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
Use the variant
prop to change the style of the CTA.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
<script setup lang="ts">
const links = ref([
label: 'Get started',
color: 'neutral'
label: 'Learn more',
color: 'neutral',
variant: 'subtle',
trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-arrow-right'
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
or dark
class to the links
slot when using the solid
variant to reverse the colors.Orientation
Use the orientation
prop to change the orientation with the default slot. Defaults to vertical
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
<script setup lang="ts">
const links = ref([
label: 'Get started',
color: 'neutral'
label: 'Learn more',
color: 'neutral',
variant: 'subtle',
trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-arrow-right'
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
class="w-full rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]"
Use the reverse
prop to reverse the orientation of the default slot.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
<script setup lang="ts">
const links = ref([
label: 'Get started',
color: 'neutral'
label: 'Learn more',
color: 'neutral',
variant: 'subtle',
trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-arrow-right'
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
class="w-full rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]"
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
title |
| |
description |
| |
orientation |
The orientation of the page cta. |
reverse |
Reverse the order of the default slot. |
variant |
links |
Display a list of Button under the description.
| |
ui |
Slot | Type |
default |
title |
description |
links |
export default defineAppConfig({
uiPro: {
pageCTA: {
slots: {
root: 'relative isolate rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*3)] overflow-hidden',
container: 'flex flex-col lg:grid px-6 py-12 sm:px-12 sm:py-24 lg:px-16 lg:py-24 gap-8 sm:gap-16',
wrapper: '',
title: 'text-3xl sm:text-4xl text-pretty tracking-tight font-bold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
description: 'text-base sm:text-lg text-(--ui-text-muted)',
links: 'mt-8 flex flex-wrap gap-x-6 gap-y-3'
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
container: 'lg:grid-cols-2 lg:items-center',
description: 'text-pretty'
vertical: {
container: '',
title: 'text-center',
description: 'text-center text-balance',
links: 'justify-center'
reverse: {
true: {
wrapper: 'lg:order-last'
variant: {
solid: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) text-(--ui-bg)',
title: 'text-(--ui-bg)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
outline: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-(--ui-border)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
soft: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
subtle: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 ring ring-(--ui-border)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
naked: {
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
title: {
true: {
description: 'mt-6'
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'outline'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
uiPro: {
pageCTA: {
slots: {
root: 'relative isolate rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*3)] overflow-hidden',
container: 'flex flex-col lg:grid px-6 py-12 sm:px-12 sm:py-24 lg:px-16 lg:py-24 gap-8 sm:gap-16',
wrapper: '',
title: 'text-3xl sm:text-4xl text-pretty tracking-tight font-bold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
description: 'text-base sm:text-lg text-(--ui-text-muted)',
links: 'mt-8 flex flex-wrap gap-x-6 gap-y-3'
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
container: 'lg:grid-cols-2 lg:items-center',
description: 'text-pretty'
vertical: {
container: '',
title: 'text-center',
description: 'text-center text-balance',
links: 'justify-center'
reverse: {
true: {
wrapper: 'lg:order-last'
variant: {
solid: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) text-(--ui-bg)',
title: 'text-(--ui-bg)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
outline: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-(--ui-border)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
soft: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
subtle: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 ring ring-(--ui-border)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
naked: {
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
title: {
true: {
description: 'mt-6'
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'outline'