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Nuxt UI Pro Templates

Ready to use templates powered by our premium Vue components and Nuxt Content. The templates are responsive, accessible and easy to customize so you can get started in no time.


A template to illustrate how to build your own dashboard with the 15+ latest Nuxt UI Pro components, designed specifically to create a consistent look and feel.
  • Mix with SaaS template for a complete solution
  • Includes custom components for charts, date pickers, etc.
  • Resizable multi-column layout


A fully built SaaS application to launch your next project. It includes a landing page, a pricing page, a documentation and a blog which can customized easily from the content/ directory.
  • Includes Landing & Docs sections
  • Customizable command palette
  • Authentication pages (login, register)


A landing page template you can use as a starting point for your next idea. You can change the content easily in content/index.yml.
  • Full responsive
  • Features, Pricing, Testimonials and FAQ sections
  • Write content in YAML


A ready-to-use documentation template integrated with Nuxt Content. You can start writing your docs right away inside the content/ directory.
  • Write pages in Markdown
  • Generated navigation & table of contents
  • Full-text search out of the box


A minimal starter template to build your own project with Nuxt UI Pro components.
  • ESLint Configured
  • Nuxt 4 Compatibility Enabled